This is an extremely scarce if not rare original owners manual for an International Harvester 7288 and 7488 2+2 tractor. It measures about 8 1/4 x 10 3/4 with 120 pages. It is in good condition with wear and evidence of usage but is still very sound an presentable. It shows all of the information you need to start, run, maintain, and use your 7288 and 7488 tractor. It would be an indispensable book if you have a tractor like this and a great addition to your rare IH manual or sales literature collection. It would look especially nice in the toolbox of your tractor at the shows! The pictures tell the story. It will likely be a long time before another one turns up so don’t miss it. I can be reached at 262 573 1931 if you’d like to talk about it.