We are tractor experts. Hydraulic & Power Steering. Clutch, Transmission & PTO. Front Axle & Steering. Sheet Metal and Grille. Wheels, Hubs and Components. Seats and other Components. Rear Axle & Differential. 110-148, 110-170, 110-232, 110-458, 110-473, 8TA2006D, 8TA2028E, 8TA2028ES, 8TA2030G. Unless otherwise specified in the item listing on our website, on the receipt or packing slip, or in the following terms, Complete Tractor will accept qualified and conforming products for replacement for the period of 1 (one) year. Products must be in? Condition and free from damage of any type, including, but not limited to dents, scratches, cracks, abuse, defacement or indication of removed screws/fasteners or seals. Complete Tractor shall not be held liable for packages lost in transit. The customer may use this label to return the item to Complete Tractor free of charge. After the item is received by Complete Tractor for processing, Complete Tractor will send out a replacement unit. If you have a problem, we will take every step to assist you. View more great items. Alternator Bracket Kit for Ford 8N Tractor with Hardware. Starter Solenoid For Cub Cadet LTX1050, RZT42, RZT50, RZT54, SLT1550, SLT1554. This listing is currently undergoing maintenance, we apologise for any inconvenience caused.